Businesses intrigued enough to try Google’s pay-per-click advertising program, AdWords, now have a tool to help them effectively employ the system.

AdWords Small Business Center launched this month in response to mounting questions and concerns from users about how to use the program, which lets businesses create text, picture or video advertisements that run in the “Sponsored Links” column of a Google user’s search results.

The new site provides relief to owners struggling to navigate – or even enter – the sometimes confusing online advertising terrain.

“Many (users) asked for an AdWords resource focused on learning and the top tips for small and medium businesses, and we listened,” AdWords representative Miles Johnson blogged last week.

Users will find four main portals on the resource site.

  1. Small Business Center: This is the homepage where experienced users can read tips, and prospective or new users can get an introduction and tutorial to the program.
  2. AdWords Blog: The blog updates users on news involving changes to the site such as last week’s post about AdWords’ new monthly charging limit.
  3. Discussion Forum: The site allows users to share information and advice with each other in the Small Business Corner discussion forum, where users can create profiles about their businesses.

    “(The blog) makes it easy to read about the latest trends and product updates and use them to grow your business,” Johnson wrote.
  4. Help Center: As with any program’s help tool, this is the go-to portal to find answers for lingering questions or for more details about certain components of AdWords.

Visit AdWords Small Business Center to learn more about the AdWords.

Source: Business News Daily